Houston-Papadimitriou Greek Culture Awards-Results

Congratulations to the following students - their parents and families - for being selected for the AY2016-17 Houston-Papadimitriou Greek Culture awards:
Derick Fong, majoring in Political Science
Sarah Allen, majoring in Mathematics
Agilda Dema, majoring in Molecular & Cellular Biology
Benjamin Samuel, majoring in Molecular & Cellular Biology
Dajia Ye, majoring in Integrative Biology
John Giletto, majoring in Philosophy
The Houston-Papadimitriou Greek Culture Awards ceremony will be take place at the end of the next (spring) semester 2017. The date, the time and the location of the award ceremony will be announced in due course. At the award ceremony award certificates will be presented to the above students, while by the date of the award ceremony checks will be deposited by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to designated bank accounts by the award winners.
Once again, congratulations to the Houston-Papadimitriou Award recipients, their parents and families!! I wish also to thank Dr. Angeliki Tzanetou (Classics) and Dr. Eman Sadaah (Linguistics), who along with me, formed the Houston-Papadimitriou award selection committee this year.
The Houston and Papadimitriou Greek Culture Awards:
Established in 2009 by Dennis Houston (UIUC Alum in Chemical Engineering, 1974) and his wife, Cathy Houston (Alumna of Louisiana State University), the Houston and Papadimitriou Greek Culture Awards are awarded to undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who have a demonstrated interest in and who are taking elective courses to learn about Greek culture, language or history. For more information about the Houston-Papadimitriou Greek Culture Awards and award past recipients click here: